[VM] Reaction Force Analysis

Reference: S. Timoshenko, Strength of Material, Part I, Elementary Theory and Problems, 2nd Edition, pg. 25, problem 10

A prismatical bar with built-in ends is loaded axially at two intermediate cross section by forces P1 and P2. Determine the reactions R1 and R2.
Where: a=b=0.3l, l = 1m, P1 = 2P2 = 1000N

Hint: the total shortening of one part is equal to the total elongation of the other
Method: calculating the reactions produced by each load separately and then summarizing these reactions.


R1 = 900 N
R2 = 600 N


  1. Geometry

Figure 1: Geometry

Figure 2: Boundary conditions

2. Results

The results are similar to theory.

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